Monday, April 23, 2012

Little things...

“Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things.” .. Robert Brault..

This quote is so dear to my heart. Every word of it is so true. We all get so busy in our daily lives that we forget about the little things.  Part of the reason I think at times we all wish we could be a child again.  Childern get up everyday with a new sense of wonder and adventure. When is the last time you laided out a blanket and just watched the clouds pass by. Listened to the birds sing. Noticed the smell of fresh cut grass and the sweet smell of lilacs. How beautiful the rays of the sun cast a golden glow on everything in this world. When is the last time you saw the sun rise or caught a raindrop on your tongue.There are so many things in this world , the little things . If this was your last day .. if you knew that you would have only a few more hours left... these are the things that you wouldnt want to let go. Seeing your child smile as they take there first step, climb that big slide all by themselves, spending time with those you love.. that is what it is all about. I think to often we are caught up... so caught up in all the things we want .. we forget what we already have. Get your family together, your kids, your friends and family.. even your dog.. and enjoy the little things life has to offer.. I assure you that one day hopefully sooner then later your will see just how important and cherished those little moments become. And when that happens you will see that you already have everything you could ever need. Be blessed my friends and enjoy every moment of your life .