Hello out there from crunchy bitter cold Wisconsin. Isn't it something how everything freezes . The ground is as hard as a rock. Flowers gone, grass gone, everything dull lifeless frozen. But somehow on what seems to be just another endless day of cold. The sun comes out, the air gets warmer, the ice starts to melt flowers start to peak out of the ground, and suddenly before you know it everything is fresh and alive again. My favorite part of spring is Lilacs. I have tons of them planted all over my yard . When early may arrives the smell outside my windows is intoxicating. The only thing I like about winter is when it snows . Those huge beautiful snowflakes. Have you ever looked up at night time when it is snowing. If you haven't take a moment to do it. It is stunning to watch them fall out of what seems like an endless sky. Since I started this journey so many things have become so clear to me. I notice things.. everything. The world has become my next location. I don't see a field of weeds, I see a field of golden sunshine bouncing off lush fields. Clouds , oh my the clouds. Give me an open field and some clouds in the sky and I will be busy for an hour. Everything in the world has so much beauty to offer. Yet I sometimes think that we are so busy we don't even notice. This is where I find my peace in this crazy world. Some people like to watch tv. I like to take my camera and photograph everything I see, the way I see it. I can get lost in an entire day doing just that. Please spring.. come soon. Because I have to admit. If it is not snowing outside.. I hate winter. I could blog on about all the beautiful things about it from a photographic standpoint. But I have to be honest. I don't like the cold. And because of that I stay indoors.. alot.. so my spring fever is running high. I don't think it could come fast enough.

My Journey Continues.............
This year my biggest goal is to make myself known to the world. I have had over 800 people view this blog... that is a lot of people. That soooooo makes me smile. I would like to take those 800 people and bring you closer.. connect with me on facebook . Get daily feeds , follow my journey from small town mom .. to what I hope to be someday one of they most talked about photographers in the area. I want everyone to know me... I want to shout it out from the roof tops... I'm over here. The hardest thing in business to conquer is of course being discovered. This year I plan to enter a lot more contest, summit alot more photographs to magazine company's , calender company's.... anything I can do to get my work noticed. I am on a misson . I have already come so far in a few short years. More than I could have ever imagined. Who would have ever thought that a small town mom with a big dream would have made it this far. I have to admit. In the beginning I was a bit nervous. Afraid of failing.. but you know .. you can never fail unless you quit. And the bull head in me woudl never even allow such a thing Thank you to everyone whom has helped me along my ever long road to greatness. I ask this small favor of you all. Please.... If you believe in me spread the word.
I have included links to my facebook page stop on by and hit the like button! Social Media is such a wonderful connection . Thank you to everyone for your support .. looking forward to a inspiring 2013!
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